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We love bringing creative play to youngsters – it’s our mission, our job.  We know that the more that children play the more they have fun, and develop their cognitive, physical, emotional and social abilities.

Earlier this year we crossed the globe to England to partner with two great play initiatives.

You all are familiar with our collaboration with the renowned Victoria & Albert Museum – the Young V&A. They feature our Bright Day Big Blocks, and are participating with us on our Play Is The Way! documentary film premiering later in 2024 and in 2025.

We are extremely happy to announce a new Big Block Play collaboration with Fantastic Play, in London, England. 

Some years back we met Ella McCartney, an artist and educator who has researched the availability of free (no charge), creative, play opportunities for urban children and families. She found local children to have extremely limited avenues of creative expression and it is her mission to help change that dynamic.

Ella’s desire is to help children develop their imaginations by creating pop-up environments for children to practice open-play, the type of free-spirited play without any predetermined outcome.

Ella created what she calls the Fantastic Play Kit, which includes a myriad of loose parts – fabrics, balls, and of course our Bright Day 120 piece set of Big Green Blocks – enough blocks to deeply engage 20 curious children – enabling and developing cognitive functions such as creativity and self-expression – collaboration and communication – critical thinking and problem solving – confidence and self-esteem. Also, physical functions such as strength and stamina – coordination and dexterity – and much more.
We also provided Ella our Big Zoo Animals – elephant, giraffe, the cutest camel and more – what Fun!

Ella loves Bright Day Big Blocks not only because of the creative play they provide – but their large size and scale helps to garner attention, attracting more families and children to her open play spaces when active.

Ella, right now, late summer, is demonstrating the power of her Fantastic Play Kit
in different outdoor public play spaces in and around London.  And, as the weather turn chillier she plans to even include the season’s offerings in the play sessions – such as fallen leaves, acorns, and rain – what Fun!

Ella deeply believes in the power of play – she knows plays availability is shrinking for children – she believes creating open, easy access play spaces will help. And we at Bright Day Big Blocks support Ella McCartney 100%.

Congratulations Ella on your Fantastic Play Kit!  And Hooray for Play!

About Bright Day Big Blocks

Bright Day Big Blocks is a fun, new and unique play system designed to stimulate creative play.  Bright Day offers big soft blocks and designs play space environments that peaks a child’s curiosity, unlocks creativity, inspires collaboration, and builds confidence.  These big foam blocks encourage play that builds cognitive, physical, emotional, and social skills important in the development of all children.  Bright Day can be found all around the world – in schools and play centers – on playgrounds, in libraries, hospitals, family resort hotels, airports, restaurants, public parks, and camps – anywhere you find children playing.  Bright Day Big Blocks is transforming children’s lives through creative play – building stronger brains and bodies and enabling a brighter future for our children.

About Bright Day Foundation

Bright Day Foundation is not-for-profit charitable organization whose mission is to help educators and engaged parents better understand the importance of play and the power of play in a child’s development.  And, in gaining an appreciation for the critical nature of play, become an active community advocate for more play!

The Bright Day Foundation advances is mission and goals by:

~ Creating, producing and distributing instructional content for adults – i.e.: our global feature film documentary, PLAY IS THE WAY!

~ Distributing how-to classroom learning aids to teachers – i.e.: our PLAY THEME PROJECT based curriculum

~ Donating play-based tools to underserved schools in the USA that inspire play and learning i.e.: our BRIGHT DAY BIG BLOCKS donated via our TITLE-ONE-DERFUL giving 


We are here to help you help your children Play + Learn!


By Press


And at Bright Day Big Blocks Schools and Play Centers are ours …. Best Friends that is!

Here at Bright Day this past school year we have been in touch with hundreds, actually about two thousand schools and play centers – educators and highly engaged parents worldwide – chatting daily about play, play-based learning as well as our curriculum and our block products – all these connections helping contribute to early childhood development.  All boosting the understanding of how play helps develop a child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive abilities.

Thanks to all of our friends this past school year – current and new – for trusting Bright Day with your children’s play plans – we are honored to have such great friends – and we are always willing to do whatever you need to help you help your children play to learn.

We are celebrating a simply amazing 2023-24 school year – where more of our curriculum, and more of our blocks went to more children than ever before in our organization’s history.  And we vow to continue to serve you mightily by making everything we offer more accessible – more ideas and innovation – continued highest quality at the best prices – we guarantee, we promise. Because we love you – you all are our partners in the development of childhood education – our Best Friends.

Oh – to explain the picture of Bright Day Big Blocks Co-Founder Laurel Tucker at the top of the blog – she’s with another best friend – Alya, a recent rescue, a real lover – an Aussie Shepherd and Great Pyrenees mix, and maybe some other bits –  nothing better than a best friend.  Ayla loves to play too!

Happy Summer, Play On!

Feel welcome to contact us at to also update on:
~ Update on our documentary film titled – PLAY IS THE WAY! scheduled to premiere later this year – our tribute to the importance of play and play-based learning, brought to you from best practice centers worldwide.
~ And, update on our upcoming television series titled Bright Day Block Party! – where teams of children demonstrate the importance of play while building their dreams.  Check out our pre-pilot episode on YouTube and Facebook video later this month.

#Big Blocks for Children #Large Building Blocks for Kids #Giant Play Blocks for Schools #Huge Foam Blocks for Play Centers #Big STEAM Blocks #Big Block Playground #Big Soft Blocks


By Press

Education Company Preparing For Filming TV Pilot

This coming fall Bright Day Big Blocks plans to film a pilot episode of a newly created television series titled Block Party!  In preparation for that endeavor, this past week Bright Day was trial filming at a kindergarten, testing out its unique reality series format.

David Krishock, Bright Day Co-Founder says, “filming a education-based reality television program is exciting – but with so many variables, especially when the series features young children, we need all the practice we can get”.
He continues by saying, “people always say practice makes it perfect, around here we’ve begun saying, practice makes a pilot”.

Last week David Krishock, Bright Day Co-Founder Laurel Tucker – and a camera crew representing film production company Partners In Cinema from Austin, Texas, USA visited a local kindergarten to proof out their television concept meant to attract a family viewing audience.

Block Party! features 3 teams of 3 children each, 4-6 years olds.
The children create a common play theme – the chosen theme for this test episode was wild animals.
The children then design or draw what they are dreaming about building.
This is followed by building their design with loose parts, much of which are Bright Day Big Blocks.
Once finished building their idea or design the children story-tell about what they built and why they love it.  And finally the children are recognized for their creativity, their collaboration, or their critical thinking skills.

“Our session with the kindergarteners was just amazing, says David Krishock.  Not only did the television program elements work extremely well, but myself and the other adults witnessing and participating in the play sessions have seldom laughed so hard and for so long – children at play are so creative, delightful and amazing in so many ways.

Bright Day is an education-based company that believes play is quite possibly the best way for children to learn.
“We believe play develops the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social aspects as children grow. Play unlocks curiosity and builds creativity and use of imagination, communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, self-assurance and confidence.  Play develops strength and stamina, coordination and balance, fine and gross motor skills, strong bones and organs, helps control weight.
It’s been said that play is as vital to a child’s development as air, water and food, and we at Bright Day believe and endorse that 100%”.

Next step in filming the television show is to take the learning from this trial episode to the site the pilot will be filmed at – kidSTREAM Children’s Museum in Los Angeles, California.  David Krishock concludes, “everyone involved looks forward to bringing Bright Day Block Party to a broad national television audience.  Our purpose, our work is to promote the power of play and play-based learning – and we do this by providing educators and engaged parents tools like our curriculum, and our big blocks.
Working with kidSTREAM in providing educational content is yet another key step in helping parents and teachers better build children’s brains and bodies”.

In addition to Bright Days venture into television content, its non profit foundation is in the final stages of launching a global film documentary titled – Play Is The Way!  For more information on this project visit

Learn more about everything Bright Day – Big Blocks, Play-Based Curriculum, Film + Television Content by visiting our website at
or by calling 818-914-6541.


By Press

“Today’s uneven economy has play centers and schools scrambling financially to update facilities and offer programs that truly help children play to learn”, says David Krishock, Co-Founder of Bright Day Learning.

We speak to hundreds of schools and child care organizations each month about our play philosophy, about our curriculum, about our play-to-lean Big Blocks.  And a consistent and common theme today is the economy – more specifically – how todays economy is restricting spending on new plans and programs to help young children develop both physically and cognitively.  We discuss with educators and teachers how they want to be better equipped to unlock their children’s curiosity, build creativity, enable collaboration among their children,

and build confidence!  And, we compare notes on how play helps them pursue their goals.

When educators, teachers, and care givers speak – we listen – at Bright Day we are 100% programmed to serve our community.

So, we are happy to launch a new program we call – PLAY NOY, PAY LATER!

Simply explained – the program details are as simple as the programs name – contact us, order your Block set and make a nominal down payment, and follow up with two added payments over the next months.

Simple – Yes!

Helpful to those feeling financially restrained – Yes!

School districts often provide us purchase orders that allow us to ship our Blocks to schools prior to paying.  PLAY NOW, PAY LATER! can help everyone else get our magical Blocks in the hands of amazing Kids as soon as possible.  We can work together to get more children playing and more children learning through play.

David Krishock encourages every preschool, nursery, daycare, pre-K, kindergarten, lower school, public library, children’s museum, nature, science, discovery center – everyone and anyone to call Bright Day to learn more about PLAY NOW, PAY LATER!

He concludes by saying, “this another Gift of Play to our community we are proud to offer – we know our Blocks work to engage and develop children – we see today that some in our community are struggling financially – we always want to help, and we can easily help here”.

To learn more about Bright Day Big Blocks and our Bright Day Foundation please call

+1 818 914 6541 or email  You can also enjoy our stories, videos, and photos by engaging with us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.  You can also connect direct with David Krishock on LinkedIn.

About Bright Day Big Blocks

Bright Day Big Blocks is a fun, new and unique play system designed to stimulate creative play. Bright Day offers big soft blocks and designs play space environments that peaks a child’s curiosity, unlocks creativity, inspires collaboration, and builds confidence. These big foam blocks encourage play that builds cognitive, physical, emotional and social skills important in the development of all children. Bright Day can be found around the world – in schools, playgrounds, libraries, hospitals, family resort hotels, airports, restaurants, public parks, camps – anywhere you find children playing. Bright Day Big Blocks is transforming lives through play – building stronger brains and bodies and enabling a brighter future for our children.

About Bright Day Foundation

Bright Day Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to help educators and parents better understand the importance of play in the development of children. And, in gaining an appreciation for plays importance – parent and educators become community advocates for more play!

The Foundation advances its mission and goals by:

~ Creating, producing, and distributing instructional content for adults, like our global feature film documentary, PLAY IS THE WAY!

~ Disseminating how-to classroom learning materials like our PLAY, THEME + PROJECT BASED curriculum

~ Donating tools that inspire play and learning like our Bright Day Big Blocks to underserved schools in the United States through our TITLE-ONE-DERFUL Giving Program

We are here to help you, our community, help your children through the power of Play!

dave on stage


By Press

Discussing PLAY IS THE WAY! Film Documentary and BRIGHT DAY BIG BLOCKS in Seoul, South Korea

When you are devoted to promoting play, when you are a missionary for spreading the message about the benefits of play-based learning, there is never a dull moment, never a quiet time.  

Early November our crew, including David Krishock, Co-Founder of Bright Day Foundation & Bright Day Big Blocks visited Seoul, South Korea to advance the organizations work in helping more children – every child, everywhere – play and play more.

David Krishock was keynote speaker at EDUCARE LEADERS FORUM 2023 where his remarks focused on the documentary film his organization is producing, titled PLAY IS THE WAY!

The film features stores from play experts, from 8 countries, 18 locations – doctors, educators, CEO’s of play organizations – all telling their professional accounts, in their own words about how play is most definitely the best way for children to learn – and advocating for all educators and parents to participate in reinventing childhood education.

Krishock says, “Medical experts agree our children are facing a medical health crisis – children worldwide are playing less and stressing more – less play means lower levels of cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.  Education experts agree play-based learning is the more natural, more beneficial way to learn – when our film audience hears the facts our film presents everyone will agree – play is the way”.  He continues, “our goal is to help the millions of teachers and the billions of parents worldwide experience our film in their local cities, towns, and villages – in theaters, school auditoriums and community centers – and in better understanding the power of play, we all create a modern revolution in early childhood education.  There is a better way – and we present that path forward in our film, PLAY IS THE WAY!”

Hyeonsik Heang, President, CEO of LG + meeting with David Krishock, Co-Founder of Bright Day LLC, discussing plans for Play Is The Way! a soon to be released documentary film produced by Bright Day Foundation.

In addition to the EDUCARE conference Krishock visited the offices of LG ELECTRONICS, headquartered in Seoul.  Most specifically he met with LG EDUCATION, LG ENTERTAINMENT and Hyeonsik Hwang, the CEO of LGU+.  “These discussions focused on our film, PLAY IS THE WAY! and on our emerging television series, BLOCK PARTY!” said Krishock.  The meetings also included, KCS EDU, a Korean education consulting firm and longtime Bright Day LLC business partner.  Continued Krishock, “Nothing is better than meeting like-minded professionals that fully understand the importance of what we do, and want to share in our journey, our effort to change and improve the world.  

Bright Day, and Co-Founder Krishock are thankful to be given the opportunity to discuss their projects and shine a spotlight on the need for play, more play in children’s lives.

We encourage everyone to visit our BRIGHT DAY website at

And, our PLAY IS THE WAY! website at

Or, email us at, call us at 01-818-914-6541

small child playing with blocks


By Press

Thank You to Everyone who Helped Make 2023 Our Best Year Ever!

“The children are playing – and when they play they learn,” says Laurel Tucker, Co-Founder of Bright Day Big Blocks.

She continued, “When we designed our Bright Day Big Blocks we knew children, parents and educators would react to the size – the larger than kid-size blocks – we knew they would all find easy engagement with the basic block shapes – lots of easy-to-stack shapes, enabling the creation, the building of whatever they could imagine – we knew the difference in our blocks would be the connectivity, the ability of the blocks to connect with plugs, and tubes of all diameters, and lengths – and we knew the difference in our blocks would also be the channel blocks and kids ability to channel balls, and more through the blocks. We said from the beginning – you can stack, you can connect, you can roll – and build your dreams! We knew our big block system was unique, was very, very different – but we did not know at that point that we were creating a play phenomenon”, she said.

At Bright Day Foundation and Bright Day Big Blocks it is our mission to spread the word about the benefits of play and play-based learning. We not only have a play philosophy – we have a product, our amazing Bright Day Big Blocks that demonstrate exactly how our play-based philosophy can actually work.

Laurel Tucker continues, “We are proud to offer the world – educators, parents, and of course the children our innovative big block play system – and we want to say THANK YOU to everyone in our global community that helped make 2023 our best year ever. To advance our play-to-learn movement we need to get our big blocks in the hands of little kids, and then watch the magic happen – we appreciate everyone in our community for helping make that magic happen.

We mentioned creating a big block play phenomenon, and that only occurs if a community believes–so thank you to all for believing by bringing Bright Day Big Blocks to your children.”

To learn more about Bright Day Big Blocks, Bright Day Foundation – our play philosophy and our products please visit our website at, email us at or call us at 01-818-914-6541.

kids playing at school


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“We are thrilled and excited to win Bright Day Big Blocks and seeing the smiles, enthusiasm and creativity this extraordinary product will bring, plus the enhancement to our children’s learning experience” ~ Fernando Torres, Operations Director

We’re at it again! Just last month we dropped over three thousand SUBMIT 2 WIN! contact forms in our big blue block storage caddy, mixed them up good, and Co-Founder Laurel Tucker picked this year’s lucky winner. We are so happy to announce our winner for 2023 is The Goddard School located in Carlsbad, California. Hooray + Congratulations!

Bright Day Big Blocks is happy to share its Big Blocks with the children, parents, teachers and staff at Goddard, Carlsbad. And this year our winner received our Big Green Blocks, plus a bonus of our Medium Green Blocks – a fantastic combination of blocks that promises to generate a lot of building – stacking blocks, connecting blocks, running balls through channels blocks – a lot of creativity!

The Goddard School has promised to send us pictures once the school receives their blocks, and once the children get to building, and we promise to share those pictures with our Bright Day community as soon as possible. Please keep an eye out for these on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Laurel Tucker, Bright Day Big Blocks Co-Founder says, “SUBMIT 2 WIN is our favorite giving program of the year – where we share our favorite products with our favorite people – those that join our community by simply completing a contact form from our website”. She continues, “I encourage everyone to join our community – please give yourself and your organization a chance to win “SUBMIT 2 WIN”! We are already collecting entries for 2024 – and like Goddard this year, the YMCA in 2023, Ronald McDonald House in 2022, and others – you CAN WIN too!”

To enter SUBMIT 2 WIN! 2024 please visit the Contact section of our Bright Day Big Blocks website. Enter Today! Enter more than once! Encourage your friends to enter! And, to learn more about our products, prices and play-based benefits please give Bright Day a call at 818-914-6541.

outside building of the goddard school



By Press


Are your children interested in all things FARM? Animals like sheep, chickens, cows, pigs, rabbits, even soaring hawks? What a great class trip or play theme a farm can be. How about a ZOO? How much fun is it to go to the zoo – with camels, hippos, elephants, crocodiles, parrots, and giraffes?

When Laurel Tucker, Co-Founder of Bright Day Big Blocks set out to design the new Big ANIMAL Blocks that’s exactly what she had in mind. Almost like creating a field trip without leaving the actual school or play center. She wanted to create something fun and adventurous, big and kid-sized, soft and loving, providing theme play which encourages active learning, and an opportunity for the child to engage emotionally, really connect and make a new friend.

“We always love observing, watching children play, we learn so much” says Laurel Tucker, “when children play with our Big Blocks it simply magical, quite transformational – and when they play with our ANIMAL Blocks their play takes on a whole new dimension. Children really emotionally connect with our ANIMALS – they find their favorite, they carry them around the play space, hug and kiss them, sit on them, they adopt the ANIMALS and give them names, like Sarah, Justin, or Mrs. Hippo – these ANIMALS become pals – we just love it, it’s very valuable play resulting in playful learning”.

Every single one of the new Bright Day BIG ANIMAL Block characters has found a child to love them – the FARM and ZOO animals (as described) and the RANCH kit as well – featuring horses, eagles, moose, rattlesnakes, and more.

The BIG kit features 6 BIG kid-sized Blocks. ANIMALS also comes in a MEDIUM size, 40 half-sized Blocks. The ANIMALS are all made with the same commercial quality EVA foam – highly durable for use in schools and play centers – very soft, friendly and 100% certified safe.

Laurel Tucker concludes, “your children will love the ANIMALS – my promise. Let me know the classroom theme you’re planning, or just the characters your children might love the best. If we don’t have exactly what you need we’ll make the perfect character, size, color for you – can do! – we are always here to help.”

Laurel Tucker also encourages all educators to connect with our PLAY-BASED CURRICULUM, featuring tips and tools on child-directed play, theme, and project based learning. Find the curriculum at:

And for anyone that wants to know more about Bright Day Big Blocks + Bright Day Foundation, a 501c3 charitable organization and our new BIG ANIMAL Blocks please call 01-818-914-6541, email or visit the company website at

About Bright Day Big Blocks

Bright Day Big Blocks is a fun, new and unique play system designed to stimulate creative play. Bright Day offers big soft blocks and designs play space environments that peaks a child’s curiosity, unlocks creativity, inspires collaboration, and builds confidence. These big foam blocks encourage play that builds cognitive, physical, emotional and social skills important in the development of all children. Bright Day can be found around the world – in schools, playgrounds, libraries, hospitals, family resort hotels, airports, restaurants, public parks, camps – anywhere you find children playing. Bright Day Big Blocks is transforming lives through play – building stronger brains and bodies and enabling a brighter future for our children.

About Bright Day Foundation

Bright Day Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to help educators and parents better understand the importance of play in the development of children. And, in gaining an appreciation for plays importance – parent and educators become community advocates for more play!

The Foundation advances its mission and goals by:

~ Creating, producing, and distributing instructional content for adults, like our global feature film documentary, PLAY IS THE WAY!

~ Disseminating how-to classroom learning materials like our PLAY, THEME + PROJECT BASED curriculum

~ Donating tools that inspire play and learning like our Bright Day Big Blocks to underserved schools in the United States through our TITLE-ONE-DERFUL Giving Program

Contact our Foundation today – let’s discuss how we can help you help children your play and learn – building toward a brighter future.

laurel visits a farm

BDBB Co-Founder Laurel Tucker drawing at desk


By Press


We operate BRIGHT DAY BIG BLOCKS on a school year calendar – so our year ends in June, says Co-Founder Laurel Tucker. We fell into that habit when our other Co-Founder, David Krishock ran SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS some years back. When you operate on a school calendar you realize that most people do – operate on a school calendar this is – because millions of adults are parents, and their children’s schedules and calendars are organized around attending school. So, when we look back over the last 12 months – we are so happy – so pleased we have helped close to a million children play over the last year – we have connected and made friends with thousands of parents and educators – and we have watched our play based initiatives grow and contribute to helping communities worldwide. We are honored to serve the education community – and proud to have developed into trusted partner to schools and related organizations worldwide.

We always want to take an opportunity to thank those that have supported us this past year:

~ supported us in our for-profit Bright Day Big Blocks business. This product has demonstrated that so much cognitive + physical benefit comes from unique, engaging + fun play products. Big Blocks are a big idea!  Our customers, our community love our Blocks – and our Blocks are a natural complement to our mission of getting more children playing. When speaking to us about our Blocks the most used word among our customers, our play community is “love”. We get so emotional when we speak with our community – we love that you love, and we promise to continue to work hard to offer the most unique, playful Big Block experiences to help you all help your children play + learn.

~ we also owe you thanks for the support of our not-for-profit Bright Day Foundation. Our two biggest moments this past year include (1) continued production of our global film documentary promoting play and play-based learning titled PLAY IS THE WAY! We filmed in 6 more countries, visiting best-practice schools and play-centers. This film will speak boldly to a global audience of parents + educators that play is the best way for our children to learn. This film will premiere in 2024. (2) Our Foundation also launched a giving program titled TITLE ONE DERFUL, where we, and those that donate, gift our beloved Big Blocks to USA based schools in need – recognizing that every single child in every community deserves respect, love, and an opportunity to play.

I recall a long, long time ago there was an advertisement on the television that stated – “We Do it All for You” – and I don’t recall what company that was – but that sediment does reflect who we are at Bright Day, and what we do. Be it Blocks, or Curriculum, gifting our product to help communities, or films promoting play – we do it all to help you help your children play + learn. And we do that because we know it works. You know that too, we align with you.

Thank you for a great school year – we are so proud to be partners now and in the future,

~ Laurel Tucker

international play global conference crowd


By Press


Glasgow, Scotland – June 6 to 9, 2023 – Bright Day Foundation, a partner organization of Bright Day Big Blocks, attended the 22nd International Play Association Triennial World Conference to present and promote its PLAY IS THE WAY! documentary feature film.

“It was years in the planning, participating in the IPA conference, “says David Krishock, Executive Director of Bright Day Foundation and overall company Co-Founder, “we considered the invitation from IPA an honor and an important opportunity to strengthen our relationship with this expert community. “

IPA is one of the most influential play organizations in the world – they represent over 50 countries and their focus is about a child’s right to play.  IPA works to protect, to preserve, and to promote children’s right to play as a fundamental human right.  Bright Day Foundation is an active member of IPA, and they encourage anyone who loves and respects children to consider membership in IPA as well.

While at the global conference the film production company, Partners In Cinema, was able to film IPA representatives from Sweden, Germany, USA, Australia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong for inclusion in the film documentary PLAY IS THE WAY!  And film director, Bennett Krishock, was able to present the updated and expanded film preview to the IPA membership attending the event.

The updated and expanded PLAY IS THE WAY! film preview will be hosted on the Bright Day Foundation film site   for public viewing.

The previous, shorter 5-minute version contained footage filmed solely in the USA, pre-pandemic.  The new, 10-minute version includes footage from recent filming sessions in Asia (Japan and South Korea) as well as Europe (Netherlands and England).

The message of our film documentary, PLAY IS THE WAY! is powerful, and the film footage is glorious, engaging to watch, capturing the essence and emotion of children playing and learning in both schools and play-centers.

David Krishock says, “our Foundation goal is to build awareness of the importance of play – our film takes its audience, educators and parents, to places they have never seen before – to best-practice centers that for decades have used play and play-based learning to better educate their children.  This film is quickly becoming a factual proof-source for telling a story to its audience that quite possibly play is the best way for children to learn”.

As a final thought David Krishock says, “let’s support IPA through membership – and, please give our new and updated PLAY IS THE WAY! film preview a look, and finally, in your daily lives, always help your children play – for them, for our children play is as vital as air, water and food”.