i. Open Ended Creative Play Soft Blocks
Get this big-sized soft play block for open-ended play. Kids can stack, connect, and 120-block the big but 120-block There are 18 unique shapes in this 120-block kit. Most importantly, they are soft and friendly - certified safe EVA foam blocks. Learn more.
ii. Theme Based Soft Foam Blocks
Get these soft but big-size 140-block foam blocks for theme-based play. There are so many brilliant colors and shapes in this 140-block kit. Get these blocks as a perfect multi-colored birthday gift for teaching color recognition, color sorting, and more. Learn more.
iii. Builders Space Foam Blocks
You can create the perfect big builder's space for your kid with blocks created off a 2-inch footprint. Get blocks, wall, and floor panels. We have two big kits i.e., a 10x5 foot building space with 20 panels and 280+ blocks and a bigger kit (20x20x1 - custom with your own design).
Learn about foam construction blocks and more.
iv. Soft Animal Blocks
Get soft but big animal blocks for kids. This set allows kids to build a zoo, ranch, or farm. The big block kit has over 18 different animals made from soft but durable and certified-safe EVA foam. Learn more.
v. Rock and Roller Soft Blocks
Let your kids have some rolling, spinning, climbing, and rocking fun with this kit comprised of 2 soft rockers and 8 connectors. Learn more.
vi. Soft PlayPark
For super big block sizes that create unique playground fun, consider our play park kit. This set is composed of 12 pieces (doughnuts, tunnels, a rabbit hole, climbing steps, big boxes and a wobbler). These pieces are large but soft and easy to move. Learn more.